
My crocheted forms are based on the structure of the hyperbolic plane, a non-Euclidean geometric concept. Characterized by a constant negative curvature, the plane is created by crocheting with a constant rate of increase. My interest and curiosity in plane geometry, the kind we learned in high school, lead to learning about hyperbolic geometry and how the medium of crochet could accurately depict the form.

Hyperbolic Space, 2019. Crochet. Acrylic yarn. 108” x 72” x 36”

Hyperbolic Space: Orange, 2019. Crochet. Acrylic yarn. 12” x 18” x 18”

Geode Unwound, 2016. Crochet. Acrylic yarn. 12” x 30” x 30”

Geode Unwound, detail

Geode, 2016. Crochet. Acrylic yarn. 18” x 28” x 28”


Coral: Hyperbolic, 2015. Crochet. Acrylic yarn. 16” x 24” x 22”

Coral: Hyperbolic, detail

Hyperbolic Universe, 2014. Crochet. Acrylic yarn. 144'“ x 84” x 82”

Hyperbolic Space, detail

Hyperbolic Space, detail

Installation view, Geometricity, 2014


Fabric Manipulation


Tea Bags